
鲁波娜 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 多相反应流,多尺度模拟
  • 邮箱: bnlu@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


鲁波娜,中科院过程工程研究所研究员,博导。2003年获浙江大学学士学位,随后保送至过程工程所硕博连读,2009年博士毕业后留所工作。研究领域包括多相传递和反应,计算流体力学,多尺度模拟和反应器优化设计等,其开发的双变量气固曳力被ansys fluent等cfd商业软件开发为内置选项。发表期刊论文50余篇,登记软件著作权2项。与中石化合作出版《变径流化床反应器理论与实践》及英文版《diameter-transformed fluidized bed: fundamentals and practice》(springer出版),获中国石化联合会优秀出版物图书类一等奖,参与编写中英文丛书10章节。获中国化工学会技术发明一等奖,中国颗粒学会自然科学一等奖,chem.eng.sci.最高引用作者奖,首届麦克-《particuology》优秀论文奖。入选第五批中国科学院青年创新促进会、首批过程所青年创新促进会、首届过程优青等人才支持计划。兼任中国工程院院刊《engineering》青年通讯专家、国际综合性期刊《the innovation》组委会成员,《燃料化学学报》青年编委、中国颗粒学会青年理事等。主持国家级、企业委托及国际合作等项目共16项。


1.lina yang, caixia han, ji xu*, bona lu*, youhao xu, wei wang, wei ge. role of mesoscale structure in gas–solid fluidization: comparison between continuum and discrete approaches. chemical engineering journal, 2023, 454: 139979.

2.zhuo yang, bona lu*, wei wang*. coupling artificial neural network with emms drag for simulation of dense fluidized beds. chemical engineering science, 2021, 246, 117003.

3.nouman ahmad, ying tong, bona lu*, wei wang. extending the emms-bubbling model to fluidization of binary particle mixture: parameter analysis and model validation. chemical engineering science, 2019, 200: 257-267.

4.bona lu*, yan niu, feiguo chen, nouman ahmad, wei wang, jinghai li. emms-based meso-scale modeling and applications in gas-fluidized catalytic reactors. reviews in chemical engineering, 2019, 35: 879-915.

5.bona lu, jingyuan zhang, hao luo, wei wang*, hua li, mao ye*, zhongmin liu, jinghai li. numerical simulation of scale-up effects of methanol-to-olefins fluidized bed reactors. chemical engineering science, 2017, 171: 244–255.

6.hao luo, bona lu*, jingyuan zhang, hao wu, wei wang*, a grid-independent emms/bubbling drag model for bubbling and turbulent fluidization. chemical engineering journal, 2017, 326: 47–57.

7.bona lu, hao luo, hua li, wei wang*, mao ye*, zhongmin liu, jinghai li. speeding up cfd simulation of fluidized bed reactor for mto by coupling cre model. chemical engineering science, 2016, 143: 341-350.

8.bona lu*, nan zhang, wei wang, jinghai li, john h. chiu, shin g. kang. 3-d full-loop simulation of an industrial-scale circulating fluidized-bed boiler. aiche journal, 2013, 59(4):1108-1117

9.bona lu, wei wang*, jinghai li. eulerian simulation of gas-solid flows with particles of geldart groups a, b and d using emms-based meso-scale model. chemical engineering science, 2011, 66(20): 4624-4635.

10.bona lu, wei wang*, jinghai li*. searching for a mesh-independent sub-grid for cfd simulation of gas-solid riser flows. chemical engineering science, 2009, 64(15): 3437-3447. 
