
张锁江 中国科学院院士,研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向:


  • 邮箱: sjzhang@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


张锁江,男,1964 11 月生,中国科学院院士,曾任中国科学院过程工程研究所所长,中国科学院绿色过程制造创新研究院院长,中国科学院大学化工学院院长,中国化工学会副理事长,中国化工学会离子液体专业委员会主任。主要从事离子液体与绿色过程研究,突破了离子液体规模制备、工艺创新和系统集成的难题,实现了多项绿色成套技术的工业应用,推动了离子液体绿色技术产业化进程。相关研究成果在重要学术刊物上共发表sci 论文500 余篇,sci 总引18000 余次,h-index 65;编写中英文书籍10 部;获授权发明专利130 余件。担任两个国际期刊和《过程工程学报》主编。承担科技部变革性重大专项、基金委重大项目及创新群体项目、中科院先导专项等。获国家自然科学二等奖、何梁何利科学与技术进步奖、中科院科技促进发展奖、侯德榜化工科技成就奖等。


1.j. q. feng, h. s. gao, l. r. zheng, z. p. chen, s. j. zeng, c. y. jiang, h. f. dong, licheng liu, s. j. zhang*, x. p. zhang*. a mn-n3 single-atom catalyst embedded in graphitic carbon nitride for efficient co2 electroreduction. nat. commun., 2020, 11(1):4341
2.k. c. pan, l. zhang*, w. w. qian, x. k. wu, k. dong, h. t. zhang, s. j. zhang*,flexible ceramic/polymer hybrid solid electrolyte for solid state lithium metal batteries. adv. mater., 2020, 32, 2000399
3.d. l. fang, y. l. wang, c. qian, x. z. liu, x. wang, s. m. chen*, s. j. zhang*. synergistic regulation of polysulfides conversion and deposition by mof‐derived hierarchically ordered carbonaceous composite for high‐energy lithium–sulfur batteries. adv. funct. mater., 2019, 29(19): 1900875
4.s. xu, y. y. cheng, l. zhang*, k. h. zhang, f. huo, x. p. zhang, s. j. zhang*. an effective polysulfides bridgebuilder to enable long-life lithium-sulfur flow batteries. nano energy, 2018, 51, 113-121
5.q. q. miao, y. y. du, g. t. wang, z. c. sun, y. h. zhao, s. j. zhang*. in-situ generated 3d hierarchical co3o4@mno2 core-shell hybrid materials: self-assembled fabrication, morphological control and energy applications. j. mater. chem. a, 2019, 7(11): 5967-5980
6.y. y. cheng, l. zhang, s. xu, h. t. zhang, b. z.  ren, t. li*, s. j. zhang*. ionic liquid functionalized electrospun gel polymer electrolyte for use in a high-performance lithium metal battery. j. mater. chem. a, 2018, 6(38): 18479-18487
7.k. dong, x. m. liu, h. f. dong, x. p. zhang, s. j. zhang*. multiscale studies on ionic liquids. chem. rev., 2017, 117 (10): 6636-6695 
8.s. j. zeng, x. p. zhang, l. bai, x. c. zhang, h. wang, j. j. wang, d. bao, m. d. li, x. y. liu, s. j. zhang*. ionic liquid based co2 capture system: structure, interaction and process. chem. rev., 2017, 117 (14): 9625-9673
9.x. zhang, d. bao, y. huang, h. f. dong, x. p. zhang*, s. j. zhang*. gas–liquid mass-transfer properties in co2 absorptionsystem with ionic liquids. aiche j., 2014,60(8): 2929-2939
10.1. q. su, y. q. qi, x. q. yao, w. g. cheng*, l dong, s. s. chen, s. j. zhang*. ionic liquids tailored and confined by one-step assembly with mesoporous silica for boosting the catalytic conversion of co2 into cyclic carbonates. green chem., 2018, 20, 3232–3241