
杜浩 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 化学工艺,清洁生产技术
  • 邮箱: hdu@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


包括个人主要介绍(300-500字),研究成果,获奖,社会任职等。 研究部副主任,中国科学院大学国际学院岗位教授。2002年在美国南达科他矿业科技大学获冶金材料硕士学位;2007年在美国犹他大学获冶金工程博士学位,主要研究方向为浮选化学以及矿物资源的综合利用。2007年12月至2009年6月,在犹他大学从事博士后研究工作,科研方向为矿物分离加工与综合利用及催化合成高能燃料。2009年8月以“引进杰出技术人才”称号被引进到中国科学院过程工程研究所工作至今,主要从事表面化学、清洁工艺、绿色过程与工程废弃物资源化利用的基础研究与应用工作,研究成果极大地推动了以活性氧调控为核心的湿法冶金理论体系的形成,支撑了钒产业清洁生产技术的创新和应用推广,与企业合作完成多项工程示范,在行业内产生重要影响。近年来主持国家部委、中科院、企业委托等项目20余项,撰写英文专著(章节)1部、中文专著1部,发表学术论文140余篇,其中sci论文87篇,申请专利100余项,其中已授权64项,获省部级科技进步奖四项。


1.hao du, xihui yin, orhan ozdemir, jin liu, xuming wang, shili zheng, and jan d. miller, chapter 4 molecular dynamics simulation analysis of solutions and surfaces in nonsulfide flotation systems, molecular modeling for the design of novel performance chemicals and materials, beena rai, crc press, taylor & francis group, 2012, p108-151, united states 
2.张懿,曹绍涛,杜浩,李会泉,马淑花,齐涛,王少娜,王晓辉,徐红彬,薛天艳,阎文艺,张亦飞,郑诗礼. 亚熔盐清洁生产技术与资源高效利用,北京:化学工业出版社,2016年8月,795千字,isbn:9787122259400 
3.bo pan, biao liu, shaona wang, marco wenzel, jan j.weigand, man feng, hao du*, yi zhang. ammonium vanadate/ammonia precipitation for vanadium production from a high vanadate to sodium ratio solution obtained via membrane electrolysis method. journal of cleaner production, 2020, 263(121357):1-9 
4.yeqing lyu, yaru wang, shaona wang, biao liu, hao du*. potassium hydroxide concentration-dependent water structure on the quartz surface studied by combining sum-frequency generation (sfg) spectroscopy and molecular simulations. langmuir. 2019, 35:11651-11661 
5.xinran wang, xuanxuan bi, shili zheng, shaona wang, yi zhang, hao du*, jun lu. high-rate performance and ultralong cycle life enabled by hybrid organic–inorganic vanadyl ethylene glycolate for lithium-ion batteries. advanced energy materials, 2018, 8, 1801978 
6.xinran wang, shaona wang, yi zhang, hao du*. organic vanadium oxy-acetylacetonate as electro-active anode material with high capacity and rate performance for lithium-ion batteries. journal of materials science. 2018, 53(13): 9701-9709 
7.kanghua wu, yaru wang, xinran wang, shaona wang, biao liu, zhang, hao du*. co-extraction of vanadium and chromium from high yi chromium containing vanadium slag by low-pressure liquid phase oxidation method. journal of cleaner production. 2018, 203: 873-884 
8.xinran wang, xuanxuan bi, shaona wang, yi zhang, hao du*, jun lu. high-rate and long-term cycle stability of li-s batteries enabled by li2s/tio2-impregnated hollow carbon nanofiber cathodes. acs applied materials & interfaces. 2018, 10(19): 16552-16560 
9.xiaobin yu, zhonghangwang, yeqing lv, shaonawang, shili zheng, hao du,* and yi zhang. effect of microbubble diameter, alkaline concentration and temperature on reactive oxygen species concentration. journal of chemical technology & biotechnology, 2017, 92: 1738-1745 
10.xinran wang,shili zheng,shaona wang,yi zhang,hao du*. self-ancho ring dendritic ternary vanadate compound on graphene nanoflake as high-performance conversion-type anode for lithium ion batteries. nano energy, 2016, 22: 179-188